Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

English course tutor

Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : What’s so interesting about her/him?

Sub Topic : Figure

Meeting : 7

What is so interesting about him?

Kiki : Hi, ry! Do you know Galileo Galileo, don’t you? Erry : Yes, of course. He is astronomer and he was a Tuscan.

Kiki : Do you know when he was born?

Erry : Yes, he was born in February 15, 1564.

Kiki : Beside Astronomer, what did he do?

Erry : Mmmm…He is improver of telescope.

Kiki : I guess..he is physicist, mathematician and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution.

Erry : do you know more about him?

Kiki : Haha..he is my idol.

Erry : good.

Task 1


  1. Who is he?
  2. Please make a conversation with your friend to find some information about the figure in 3 minutes.
  3. After you got the information, you presented it in front of the class.

4 komentar:

tutorblogkinasih mengatakan...

hi mate...
i want to comment your material. far, your material are good. you take a well known person become your topic..that's all

$umint4 mengatakan...

hi bro..
i think your mataerial is interest and simple. you have given some information and remember about the figure to your learners.

Anonim mengatakan...

well...i wonder, you put speaking exercise to your blog but how you will asses you learners?
i think that would be very difficult.

All about English mengatakan...

Hi akbar...
You know, when I saw the picture of Galileo Galilei, I think you would give some information about it, or atleast the hostory of his life. But unlucky it's wrong. I'm quite sure that you can make it better. So be more creative ok!

OOpzz... Leave your comment to my blog yup!